This post will show you how to change line movement and control key bindings in macOS to be similar to what we use in Linux (and windows).
Make Home & End keys behave like Windows on Mac OS X. 24 April 2015 Apple keyboards macOS. I’ve been using Mac OS X daily since 2001 when I purchased my Titanium PowerBook and I still can’t get used the home and end key behavior. Default keybindings fix for Mac OS X. Adds multiple sign shortkey: control - shift - 8 = ×; Adds deographic space shortkey.
- While I've used iOS on my phone and tablet for years, a recent change in employment has brought me over to a full Mac shop for my 'desktop' experience. My reviews have suggested some modifications to the 'DefaultKeyBinding.dict' file using TERMINAL. But I was hoping for a more elegant or graphically-friendly solution.
- Apple Footer. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the.
- Firefox 62 for Mac breaks custom keyboard mappings (Default Key Binding.dict) Summary: Firefox 62 for Mac breaks custom keyboard mappings (DefaultKeyBinding.dict).

The following keyboard shortcuts will be added:
Sequence | Command |
Ctrl+Left | Back one word |
Ctrl+Right | Forward one word |
Ctrl+Shift+Left | Back one word and modify selection |
Ctrl+Shift+Right | Forward one word and modify selection |
Home | Beginning of the line |
End | End of line |
Shift+Home | Beginning of the line and modify selection |
Shift+End | End of line and modify selection |
Ctrl+Home | Top of page |
Ctrl+End | End of page |
Shift+Ctrl+Home | Top of page and modify selection |
Shift+Ctrl+End | End of page and modify selection |
a. First create the folder ~/Library/KeyBindings/
and then the file DefaultKeyBinding.Dict
Mac Defaultkeybinding.dict
b. Add the contents below to the new file:
Imo for mac free download. Imo Messenger for Mac is a popular online instant messaging cellphone app that enables you to chat with your friends, make free video calls, exchange images and photos. Imo Messenger for macOS is a desktop version of messaging application that enables you to exchange messages from your desktop or laptop computer.That makes typing much easier and convenient than on a cellphone.
Note: The code above assumes you are have substituted the Command Key
for the Control Key
in «Keyboard => Modifier Keys…» (see screenshot below). If you haven’t, you can try changing the comment between the commented and uncommented blocks.
c. Restart the application you want to use
MacOS has a system-wide mechanism to let you define or modify the shortcut keys for text editing operations.
It lets you create keys to:
- Insert math symbols, emoji, or any template text.
- Move cursor by word, page up/down.
- Copy, cut, paste, undo, redo.
- select word, line, paragraph, select all.
- upcase word, lowercase word.
- new, open, save, etc.
- and more.

Key Config File
Create a file at
Create the “KeyBindings” folder if you don't already have it.
Copy and past the following:
Note: if you use Unicode Characters directly in the file such as♥, you must save the file using UTF-8 encoding.
Launch or restart TextEdit or other app to start to use your changes.
The syntax in general is this:
- keycode is a string that represents key press.
- actionCode represents what to do.
Keycode Syntax
Action Code
Unicode Reference
If you want to create lots keys to insert math symbols or emoji, see
Sample File
Example of defining the {Home, End} keys to move to the beginning/end of line.
Here's example file for inserting Unicode characters with the ⌥option key.
Here's a example ofErgoEmacs Keybinding, one for QWERTY layout and one forDvorak Keyboard Layout:
You can look at Xcode's keybinding file at/Developer/Applications/
.You can view it here: osx_keybinding_xcode.dict.txt.
Emacs Keybinding
Mac OS X by default support emacs keybindings. They are:

- Ctrl+f → move forward
- Ctrl+b → move backward
- Ctrl+n → move down a line
- Ctrl+p → move up a line
- Ctrl+a → beginning of line
- Ctrl+e → end of line
- Ctrl+k → delete current position to end of line
- Ctrl+y → paste
You can add more of emacs's
- Ctrl+space → set mark
- Ctrl+w → cut
- Ctrl+xCtrl+x → Swap cursor position to last mark
However, i don't recommend it. Emacs's keys is very inefficient and ergonomically painful.See: Why Emacs's Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful.If you like a efficient keybinding for text editing, try:Emacs: Xah Fly Keys.
My Defaultkeybinding.dict For Macbook Pro
Something this cannot do. For example:
- It cannot remap keys.
- It can't set a key such as F8 to type other keys such as ⌘command+c.
- It can't set a key to launch a app or script.
There are many solutions to these. See:Mac: Key Remapping, Keybinding Tools
Best is to get a programable keyboard. See:Programable Keyboards with Onboard Memory
See also:Problems of Mac OS X DefaultKeyBinding.dict.
- Text System Defaults and Key Bindings By Apple. At
- Technical Note TN2056: Installable Keyboard Layouts At
My Defaultkeybinding.dict For Macbook Air

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